The moon did rise, and well, there it was.
I know we often reference how much or how little light the moon reflects or the act of turning pages, closing chapters, and cracking open books to describe a new phase, project, or *thing* in our lives. Not so unlike many others, night seems to go on longer than it ought to and my life's bookshelf is also looking a little haphazard and tenuous as of late. There is a definite questionability to it's structural integrity, but somehow, it persists in it's quiet chaos. I have chapters opening and closing all around me at random - and in tandem. Things piled on high, pages intentionally torn and purposefully burnt, and a whole collection of 'woulda shoulda coulda,' right there on the counter waiting for me to give it just a thimble's worth of acknowledgement.
But...that's all over there, and behind, and beyond, and all around us. It's not going anywhere either, sugh. Here though, we have a creative outlet in making fortune stones for others to enjoy and for me to get out of my own head for a little while outside of D&D sessions and studio hours. Thank you for visiting and having a looksee, friend. Welcome to Moon River Dice.
Why the name? Well, when thinking of the goal of this brand, I wanted to combine things I've always felt irrevocably drawn to. The water, the moon, and a spooky little southern city called Savannah.
Particularly, the song, Moon River, inspired by the mystic waterways of Savannah.
A little bit of lore...
In the Low Country, the shade and the term “haint blue” has long been a ubiquitous and protective talisman. The Gullah Geechee legend says that evil spirits do not like to cross running water, and so painting spaces to look like water will keep them away and bring the resident good luck and positive energy into the home. The hue is derived from the indigo plant.
The color is used throughout the south to this day.
And the fish horse...
The hippocampus has long been regarded as a symbol of hope as it was known for being a benevolent and spiritual creature that helped people. This mythical creature is strongly associated with creativity, imagination, agility, and strength. Sailors regarded the hippocampus as a good omen for their voyages. In Venice, you will find figures and paintings of them on gondolas as a symbol of protection for the gondoliers and their passengers.
And finally, the moon...
The so called Luna, half moon, sickle of the moon, or waning moon is related to life and death. It pinpoints changing seasons, ebb and tide. The waning crescent moon’s spiritual meaning is one of release. It serves as a reminder to let go of anything that is no longer serving you. In this, you create space for new chapters and experiences.
Chapter, phase, page, book, open, close - whatever it is now, and whatever it is destined to be later, I'm glad to have you join me here along the way.
Wishing you and the tells you tell, well.
Your Huckleberry Friend, Talia